If program.exe is located in a subfolder of "C:\Program Files", the security rating is 36% dangerous. The file size is 585,728 bytes. The program has a visible window. The process has no file description. The software starts upon Windows startup (see Registry key: MACHINE\Run, TaskScheduler, Run). Program.exe is not a Windows system file.

Add autorun on startup program in windows embedded ce 6.0 I have a problem with a GPS device: it runs windows embedded ce 6.0 and I am trying to make the GPS software (iGO Primo) run by default (automatically run on startup). I have tried copying the shortcut to \Windows\Startup folder, but on restart it was gone. I guess it does not have a persistent file system. Set up a single-app kiosk (Windows 10) - Configure Windows Method Description; Locally, in Settings: The Set up a kiosk (previously named Set up assigned access) option in Settings is a quick and easy method to set up a single device as a kiosk for a local standard user account. This method is supported on Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education. PowerShell: You can use Windows PowerShell cmdlets to set up a single-app kiosk. How to Prevent Programs From Loading at Windows Startup

Oct 07, 2015

May 13, 2020

The unknown “Program” entries are most likely caused if both of the following conditions are true: The startup entry refers to an invalid or non-existent file under “Program Files” folder. The registry value data corresponding to that startup entry is not enclosed within double-quotes.

Jul 29, 2015